As the UK’s leading payments specialist, allpay offers agency banking services such as payment collection, prepaid card accounts and bureau facilities, nationwide.

Handling around £5 billion worth of payments a year across 55 million transactions, allpay’s expansion into the prepaid cards market required a trusted partner to provide the payment rails to enable Banking Lite features and capabilities.

Working with Bottomline Agency Services, allpay benefit from a seamless integration for Faster Payments and Bacs Direct Debit and Direct Credit payment processing.

Download the case study to learn how Bottomline Agency Services delivers payment rails to the cards market by:

Supporting agency banking with an innovative Banking Lite Platform

Offering a robust banking agency service solution that provides greater cost-efficiencies

Increasing the competitive edge in the prepaid marketplace

Enabling future business expansion into new markets

Backed by the success of the implementation of Bottomline Agency banking services, allpay now claims a significant competitive advantage in the prepaid market. Download their story to discover how.

Learn more about payments automation

Managing payments and financial operations can represent a significant challenge to many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Despite the wide payment technology innovations in recent years, common business financial processes often remain as inefficient laggards – but can your organisation afford to ignore the benefits available through payments automation?

Payments Automation – The Time for Change

VIEW THE White paper


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