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In today's ever-evolving compliance landscape, significant changes impact banks and corporates

The responsibility for ensuring payments to sanctioned countries, companies, or individuals are appropriately screened has become paramount. Instances of corporates facing fines due to payments to sanctioned entities are on the rise, posing significant financial and reputational risks. The role of treasurers has never been more demanding, with the need to balance efficient cash flow management while ensuring stringent compliance measures are met.

Listen to Kevin Grant from Bottomline, Domenico Sansalone from Expro and the Global Treasurer as they look at the challenges corporate treasurers and CFOs face with cash flow visibility and global compliance.

This webinar covers:

  • The evolving landscape where global payments and compliance intersect
  • Strategies to protect your organisation from financial and reputational risks associated with global payments to sanctioned entities
  • Practical solutions and best practices to excel in cash management, international payments, and compliance on a global scale
  • Balancing efficient cash flow management while ensuring compliance in international transactions