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With Bottomline's 5-step checklist, you can make the confident decision to choose a commercial banking solution that fits your needs. Based on our experience with our diverse bank clients, on the following pages, we provide you with five steps to select the commercial digital banking platform that will make you a competitive force to be reckoned with.

At Bottomline, we have implemented commercial banking solutions for 500+ clients, helping them engage more deeply with customers, reduce the risk of fraud, and leverage data to accelerate their business. Based on our experience with these bank clients, on the following pages, we provide you with five steps to select the commercial digital banking platform that will make you a competitive force to be reckoned with.

You will discover:

1. The key to managing the expectations and needs of a range of stakeholders
2. Four foundational questions that are essential to conducting a robust situation analysis
3. “Must-have” digital capabilities named repeatedly by top financial institutions we work with today
4. The specific areas to define in your business and technology requirements
5. Seven criteria to select a technology vendor who can become a strategic partner


It can be difficult to manage the expectations and needs of a variety of decision-makers and stakeholders. Establishing a cross-departmental team early on allows for information sharing, collaboration, and involvement at every step of the process.