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As part of your SWIFT CSP attestation, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is now mandatory for SWIFT payment security.

Non-compliance with Multi-Factor Authentication for SWIFT will flag up on future SWIFT audits as a breach and published to the SWIFT community.

Download Multi-Factor Authentication for SWIFT to help your organisation address queries you may have regarding MFA for SWIFT, including:

  • What options you have to secure our users authentication details in line with the SWIFT payment security mandate
  • When you need to have implemented Multi-Factor Authentication for SWIFT’s controls
  • How Bottomline can help your organisation with the mandatory SWIFT controls for detecting anomalous activity

Bottomline’s SWIFT payment security solutions will help you achieve and surpass the SWIFT CSP control framework. By reducing risk of fraud and error, our services and technology additions focus on best practice MFA for SWIFT compliance.

The MFA is now mandatory and non-compliance with this control will flag up on future SWIFT audits as a breach and published to the SWIFT community.