Enterprise case management focus caps International Fraud Awareness Week

Fraud and Financial Crime


Nov 18, 2022

Fraud happens. It’s unfortunate fact of payments both commercial and retail. But with the rising incidents of APP fraud, identity theft, insider fraud and other threat vectors the second best line of defense (after detection and prevention) is enterprise case management with a strong investigative component. Working the ACFCS, Bottomline recently surveyed more than 100 industry professionals spanning all sizes and geographies to scope the enterprise case landscape. As International Fraud Awareness Week wraps we created an infographic to highlight some of the key data from that work.

It caps a year in which Bottomline research filled in many of the missing pieces in the ECM puzzle. Among the ECM-centric findings we found in various projects was that only 39% of companies we surveyed said they currently have a commercial ECM solution, 32% said they had a custom solution but 17% don’t have one at all. 

And here’s another problem. We also found that organizations who have prioritized ECM use more than just one tool in their investigations. That means these various systems are disconnected, requires multiple log ins, and navigating through the structured and unstructured data can be a nightmare. Trying to understand where the case started and who was involved in that case requires a lot of work that would be unnecessary with a unified system.

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Bottomline helps make complex business payments simple, smart, and secure. Corporations and banks rely on Bottomline for domestic and international payments, efficient cash management, automated workflows for payment processing and bill review, and state-of-the-art fraud detection, behavioral analytics and regulatory compliance solutions.

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