Pay Direct Calculator

Calculate how much you could save by switching some of your payments from Cards to Pay Direct, our new way for customers to pay, powered by Open Banking.

The amount of customer payments you currently accept by card in £
The average payment amount you accept by card in £ - remember to allow for less frequent, larger payments
See savings by toggling between accepting all/some payments by Card and Pay Direct
Card 50%
Pay Direct 50%

Your annual savings could be


Adjust the calculator settings to see how much you could save by switching to Pay Direct.


Hmm looks like we need a bit more information so you can discover the true benefits of switching to Pay Direct.


Hmm looks like we need a bit more information so you can discover the true benefits of switching to Pay Direct. To get a copy of your results, and to make a start on your savings journey, please click Send Report below and complete the form.

And that’s just for starters! 

Did you know Pay Direct improves efficiency, reconciliation & and there’s no risk of charge-backs or indemnity claims? To get a copy of your results, and to make a start on your savings journey, please click Send Report below and complete the form.


This is just the start! You’re well on your way to making savings by using Pay Direct. To get a copy of your results, and to make a start on your savings journey, please click Send Report below and complete the form.

Disclaimer: The results based on this calculator are indicative only and any actual savings may be greater or less than those shown.

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