Product Overview
As the industry’s only cloud-based vendor management network, and total solution, PartnerSelect allows insurance carriers to intelligently select law firms or attorneys resulting in more effective relationships, lower costs and more time saved. Integrated metrics make it possible for carriers to easily and astutely select a law firm or attorney directly from the system using historical information and workload metrics; ensuring carriers select the correct law firms or attorneys with 100% confidence.
The use of standardized assignment forms and workflow will save time, provide a secure environment to share documents and information easily and create visibility around assignment management that doesn’t exist today.

Built for Your Needs
Improve case outcomes with intelligent decisions about choosing the right partners to achieve the best results for the organization
Standardize and automate the assignment/referral process
Lower costs and create visibility at the relationship and case levels
Collaborate with outside counsel to contribute directly to case information

Built for Your Needs
Generate new business by marketing to over 250 prospective Property and Casualty carriers
Go paperless with instantaneous document sharing and integration
Reduce time spent managing the process and free up time to focus on the outcome