Why is Bottomline trusted by over 250 carriers and claims organizations?

BT currency & payments 103

Return on investment

Bottomline clients have saved millions
of dollars, with an average ROI of 7:1

BT personnel 146


Bottomline brings 20 years of bill
review expertise. 

BT data representation 30

Advanced analytics

Reporting and analytics support informed
decision making

Case Management Folder Secure Site Pictogram for White BG

Independent adjusters e-billing for property and casualty claims organizations helps you take control of legal expenses with a secure, 
web-based solution.

Our solution can efficiently process invoices, analyze data trends and offer in-depth insight into your overall legal spend. 

Gain insight and control over independent adjuster spend

Establish billing guidelines and monitor compliance

Foster collaboration with external vendors

Enable faster and better business decisions


Learn more with these helpful resources

Streamline legal bill review for
improved data integrity, accuracy
and cost savings

Main Street America Group operates six property/casualty insurance carriers throughout the U.S. Its manual, paper-based legal bill review process included invoices in different formats from various platforms. Learn how Bottomline’s Legal-X bill review solutions helped bring Main Street America’s legal bills into compliance and delivered significant time and cost savings.

Main Street America Streamlines Legal Bill Review with E-Billing

VIEW THE Customer success story
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