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Read this white paper now to learn the 6 measures that can help identify insider fraud and collusion

Fraud is an increasingly serious threat for businesses around the world, eroding data integrity and security, consumer confidence and brand integrity. When fraud is discussed, often hackers or external fraudsters come to mind.

However, insider fraud is a critical threat that is growing. According to Aite Group, insider fraud is predicted to have a resurgence in 2020, in fact 43 percent of FIs expect that employee fraud rates will increase in 2020.

Reduce your organization's risk of fraud and learn how you can improve your internal controls to start mitigating insider threats. 

In this white paper, we will explore industry trends and their implications on employee behavior and the 6 key steps you can take to lock out insider fraud. 

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners cites that internal audits only detect fraud 15% of the time.


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