Why is Bottomline trusted by over 250 carriers and claims organizations?

BT currency & payments 103

Return on investment

Our clients have saved hundreds of millions of dollars, resulting in an average ROI of 7:1

BT personnel 141

Real-time collaboration

Intelligent selection of the right claims and litigation partner for each case

BT legal 107

Decision support metrics

Efficient, intelligent selection of the right vendor partner for each case

BT data representation 32


Single, connected solution to simplify and streamline assignments

Why Bottomline's Vendor Management solution?

PartnerSelect helps carriers drive improved case outcomes by selecting law firms and other claims and litigation vendor partners with 100% confidence that they are making the best choice possible.

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To better manage the total outcome of a case, insurance carriers need to select the correct law firm or attorney and manage these relationships through a single connected solution.

Our network provides insurance carriers and law firms with the ability to manage critical data and assignments through an enterprise cloud solution driven by analytics for decision support, standardization and automation. 

Watch the video to the left to find out if Bottomline's claims litigation vendor management solution is right for you.


Learn more with these helpful resources


PartnerSelect: The smart choice for
insurance carriers

PartnerSelect is the industry’s only cloud-based private network that enables carriers to intelligently identify and select law firm partners, manage case assignments and score the end results. Bottomline's claims litigation vendor management solution allows businesses to collaborate in real-time with claims and litigation professionals using built-in assignment notes and documents.

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video time: 01:20 video title: Bottomline Technologies PartnerSelect for Law Firms

With PartnerSelect law firms can:

  • Generate new business by marketing to over 250 prospective property and casualty carriers
  • Go paperless with instantaneous document sharing and integration
  • Reduce time spent managing the process and focus on the outcome
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