Why is Bottomline trusted by over 250 carriers and claims organizations?

BT currency & payments 103

Return on investment

Bottomline clients have saved millions of dollars,
with an average ROI of 7:1

BT personnel 146

Legal Experience

Bottomline provides unparalleled legal bill review expertise

BT data representation 30

Advanced billing analytics

Reporting and analytics support
informed decision making

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video time: 01:46 video title: Bottomline Legal-X

How Bottomline's market-leading legal e-billing solution for property and casualty claims can help your business

Dramatically increase efficiency and reduce costs

Gain insight and control over legal spend

Strengthen billing guidelines and improve compliance

Foster collaboration with law firms

Make faster and better business decisions

Improve overall program results



Learn more with these helpful resources

PartnerSelect: The smarter choice for
insurance carriers

PartnerSelect is the industry’s only cloud-based private network that enables carriers to intelligently identify and select law firm partners, manage case assignments and score the end results.

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video time: 01:07 video title: Bottomline Technologies PartnerSelect for Insurance Carriers
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video time: 01:20 video title: Bottomline Technologies PartnerSelect for Law Firms

With PartnerSelect law firms can:

  • Generate new business by marketing to over 250 prospective property and casualty carriers
  • Go paperless with instantaneous document sharing and integration
  • Reduce time spent managing the process and focus on the outcome
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