It is a constant challenge for banks to keep up with the fast-moving payments landscape as you are faced with constantly evolving technology and ever-present competition, growing fraud typologies and scams, limited resources, ever-tighter regulatory and political pressures, while maintaining a near frictionless customer experience.


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Solving this conundrum can be a challenge and some banks struggle to deploy technology environments enabling them to capitalize on data. Fraud knows no boundaries, so organizations must also keep a constant watch on the threat landscape. But automation, and technology, alone cannot solve this problem: insights can only be actioned effectively if relevant processes are in place and people are able to adapt to modern practices.

Learn more about:

Latest authorized fraud threats: BEC, APP and internal fraud

Increases in unauthorized fraud – how it has risen since the pandemic

What success looks like for financial institutions trying to prevent fraud

With the pandemic pushing more transactions online, the volume of BEC attacks increased by 15% during Q3 2020, affecting more than 75% of industries tracked


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