Stay competitive in an ever-changing payments landscape

BT data representation 20

Improve efficiency and lower costs

Enhance your customers’ experience by becoming compliant with ISO 20022, the latest payment messaging standards

BT security fraud & risk 161

Gain comprehensive compliance assurance

Improve fraud detection and prevention with comprehensive compliance assurance and fraud prevention tools

BT currency & payments 96

Improve payments management

Grow and manage payments in line with the latest industry initiatives such as NPA, PSD2 and Open Banking

BT process & representation 119

Manage and connect

Enhance end-to-end management and global payments connectivity to networks including SWIFT, SEPA, Bacs, CHAPS and Faster Payments


Why Bottomline?

63% of financial decision makers said that regulatory changes would impact their payment processing during 2019.

Source: Bottomline Business Payments Barometer 2019

Bottomline helps you gain access to

Global Connectivity

Global connectivity

Accessing multiple payments networks carries heavy overheads, technical complexity and duplication of processes. Bottomline helps enterprise organisations address all of these challenges, providing a seamless, single and secure access point to multiple global and domestic payment schemes, including SWIFT, Faster Payments and file-based mass payments.

Learn more
Payment Connectivity Illustration

Real-Time and Cross-Border Payments

Real-time and cross-border payments

Real-Time Payments - 60 countries+, 500K transactions per year with a predicted growth of 40% p.a. between 2020 and 2024.

SWIFT gpi - 660+ banks, 1,300+ country corridors, 150 currencies and banks send the equivalent of $300 billion+ in value and 56% of SWIFT’s 17 million daily messages daily.

Visa B2B Connect - A new multilateral payment network designed to deliver predictable and transparent cross-border transactions.

Learn More
Real Time Payments Illustration

Universal Aggregator IQ Capabilities

Universal Aggregator IQ Capabilities

Reduce total cost of ownership and time to market by providing flexible and secure integration with back office environments, mutualization of services and compliance with all technical and regulatory requirements, such as ISO20022 migration. We offer customers 'On Prem', Hosted or SaaS based solutions.

Real Time Payments Illustration

Universal Aggregator IQ data and insights

Universal Aggregator IQ data and insights

Aggregated data and insights provides you with real-time data and tracking capabilities to control the status of your business as well as enhanced analytics and intelligence to help you make fast and accurate decisions.



Learn more with these helpful resources

The way businesses pay tells an evolving story of payment innovation and cash management.

This is why this year’s 2021 Business Payments Barometer is impactful. It’s 800 organisations of all sizes, sharing what has been important to them over the last year and what will be vital over the next 12-months.

The 2021 Business Payments Barometer

Read the report


Want to learn more about Bottomline's aggregated connectivity solutions?

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